I have grouped any unusual ideas, occurrences, anomalies and conspiracies about Antarctica on this page under the heading of oddities. Most of them are based on flimsy evidence or misunderstandings but who knows. One day something may turn up that is true that makes us go…Wow!!
An anomaly is an abnormality, a deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. Something that is different from what is usual. An anomaly is often something that is not expected to be found in a particular place and a lot of people spend their time scouring Google Earth looking for anything unusual in Antarctica. Sometimes they find things that they feel shouldn’t be there. Often these anomalies look man-made or at least constructed by sentient beings.
Antarctica is a vast continent, bigger than North America, bigger than Australia, bigger than all of Europe, and it is sparsely inhabited (in summer there are only 5000 people spread amongst the various stations or out in the field), so we shouldn’t expect to find something that looks like a built structure out in the middle of nowhere. But we do.
When it comes to Antarctica, explanations for these anomalies run the gamut from supposed crashed alien spacecraft, entrances to underground bases, lost civilisations, strange unknown objects, to ancient pyramids,

For instance, the photo above looks rather strange, What could it possibly be? An alien base, a crashed ship, an entrance to the hollow Earth, or even perhaps the remains of a giant dinosaur? None of the above, it is in fact the Teniente Arturo Parodi Alister Base, a Chilean Antarctic Research Base
Just because most anomalies have a simple explanation doesn’t mean we shouldn’t investigate them. We should. But Antarctica is a difficult and expensive place to get to and anomalies are not a priority of the scientists who do research there.
Anomalies are fun and interesting as long as you don’t immediately jump to crazy conclusions about them. I have chosen a selection of Antarctic anomalies for you to enjoy and you can find them here. There is even a dedicated Reddit group that discusses Antarctic anomalies (see here).
Allied with Antarctic anomalies we often find Antarctic conspiracies not far behind. For Antarctica there are many conspiracies but a few key ones consistently pop up. The main ones are the Flat Earth theory, the Hollow Earth, the Fallen Angels, Aliens, the Nazi UFO Base, and then their are beliefs about Antarctica being the site of Atlantis or harbouring Ghosts.
It is all very interesting and I wish it was all true. Wouldn’t that be something? I will leave it up to you to decide whether they are true or not but it’s nice to have some mystery left in the world.