Is Climate Change happening to us or for us?

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If you believe it’s happening to you, you’re the victim. And if you’re the victim then someone is out there who is oppressing you. It could be Exxon or Donald Trump or the American think tanks pushing climate denial.  As a victim we need to blame, to make somebody wrong. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of people, organisations, governments and corporations who have acted badly.  No doubt about it.  Welcome to Earth.

Mount Sidley Antarctica

But then again, who on this planet has not acted badly at some point in their lives.  I have friends who have gone to prison for some pretty bad activities and yet I call them my friends and think they are great people.  In Buddhism they believe that all human beings are redeemable.  Even Jesus said ‘You who are without sin, cast the first stone’.

How is being a victim working out for you?  What if you changed the mindset and started thinking ‘What if global warming is happening for us?   As Paul Hawken says: 

‘‘What does that mean? First of all, it means that it’s beautiful feedback. It’s feedback. Without feedback, we really suffer. And it’s stupid, at least. And not only is it great feedback, but it tells us what to do. It feeds our imagination. It feeds creativity. It feeds innovation. And it feeds a meaningful life. And you couldn’t have a more meaningful life than to take on the greatest crisis human civilization has ever faced. And it’s right here. I have a gift for you. What is it? It’s this civilizational crisis. You came just at the right time. And we know what to do. That’s the most important. We do know what to do. And this idea that the media keeps putting in our face is that the seven deadly sins are preeminent now, and rule the world. And that’s not true. And we just are blinded to it by what we read and see. And this is about changing who we are, how we think, how we speak, how we talk to each other, how we act.  I can’t think of anything that would give more meaning to a person’s life than global warming’.

So here’s our chance.  Let’s take on this challenge.  We actually do know what to do. Let’s work together . Click this link to find the solutions (you have to register but it’s free…and fascinating)

Bransfield strait antarctica

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