The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish text believed to have been written by Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah (of Noah’s Ark fame).
There are five sections to it but the first and last tell the story of the Fallen Angels (The Book of Watchers and The Epistle of Enoch).
As I understand it 200 of the Angels came to Earth at Mt Hebron (Lebanon/Syria) and desired human females. They mated with the women and this resulted in the birth of a race of giants called Nephilim.
The Angels taught humans many things, weapons, metallurgy, astronomy but their children, the Nephilim started to run amok killing and abusing humans.
God sent his righteous Angels to capture the 200 and wipe out the Nephilim and this resulted in a great battle in the heavens, or so the story goes.
So what is the connection with Antarctica?
After the 200 were defeated God imprisoned them in Antarctica where they will stay until they are liberated in the ‘Year of Mystery’.
How do conspiracy theorists ‘know’ this?
Well, there is a passage in the Book of Enoch that says “And I went towards the south, and it was burning day and night, where there were seven mountains of precious stones, three towards the east and three towards the south”
Conspiracy theorists believe that the reference to ‘south’ and ‘burning day and night’ refers to Antarctica and the 24 hour daylight you get for long periods during the year there. They also believe that the seven mountains refer to Mt Vinson (the highest mountain in Antarctica) and six mountains near it.
It is all a bit loose, which is fairly common amongst conspiracy theories. Burning day and night makes me think more of the concept of Hell rather than Antarctica and there are more than 6 mountains near Mt Vinson so I think they are trying to make the best fit, but it doesn’t quite match up.
Everything is open to interpretation. Personally I don’t see it but if you have a religious bent the whole idea may appeal to you.
So far no-one has found any evidence of Fallen Angels but some modern-day conspiracy theorists believe the whole talk about Angels is an analogy for an alien race that came to Earth long ago and that the Aliens/Angels are in suspended animation in a huge spacecraft buried beneath the ice (see my post about the Wilkes Land Magnetic Anomaly – https://bit.ly/2OjOa1j )
Much as I would like us to find an Alien spacecraft full of aliens or Angels under the ice I won’t be holding my breath but if you choose to believe it good luck to you.
Antarctica is fascinating enough without the addition of Angels or aliens but if they turn up I will be very interested.