Google Earth
It seems that there are a lot of enthusiasts who scour Google Earth looking for anomalies. An anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. Google is great for this because they have basically photographed the planet.
The trouble is that when enthusiasts find an anomaly they don’t always look for the simplest explanation but tend to leap to grand conclusions like crashed spaceships, secret bases, ancient pyramids or and lost civilisations
Now I’m not saying that they are wrong and I would absolutely love to find an Alien spaceship in Antarctica or the remains of Atlantis but there are usually more probable and simpler explanations.
An Open Mind
Having said that I still think that if you are serious about science then you have to keep an open mind and be willing to investigate things that are unusual. The problem with Antarctica is that resources are limited and certain aspects of science are prioritised. The short summer season, changeable weather conditions and access to transport make these anomalies difficult to investigate and that’s if the scientists down there could be bothered in the first place.
Can you go to Antarctica?
Contrary to popular belief no-one stops you from going to Antarctica as long as you inform one of the Antarctic Treaty member governments. You need to tell them what you plan to do there and satisfy them that you will abide by the environmental protocols. You also need to have insurance in case you need to be rescued. People visit Antarctica all the time. Not just the coast but far inland as well.
Google Earth anomalies will keep popping up so, I am hoping that one day someone has the resources to actually investigate some of these anomalies and report back. Till then I’ll keep an open mind but won’t necessarily jump to the conclusion that any new find is proof of a buried civilisation, alien visitations or secret bases.
Some anomalies
Below is a list of anomalies found in Antarctica that you can look at yourself on Google Maps or Google Earth:
Crash site?
This particular site is believed to be the crash site of an alien spacecraft in Antarctica according to Russian UFO-enthusiast Valentin Degterev. Personally, I don’t know what it is but I suspect it is less complex than a spaceship.
Google Maps: 80°34’08.4″S 30°05’19.3″W
Saucer in the ice?
The people at YouTube channel SecureTeam10 believe that this circular object observed in Antarctica is a flying saucer. Well maybe, but if it was I suspect the various governments would be all over it. More likely a natural feature but who knows unless we go there.
Google maps: 66°16’24.1″S 100°59’04.8″E
UFO crash landing?- South Georgia
South Georgia is a group of sub-Antarctic Islands about 1500 km from the Antarctic Peninsula. This object was spotted there using Google Earth.
According to alien hunters SecureTeam10 this object is a UFO that has crash landed. It’s on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Scientists believe it is part of a rock formation from the nearby hill that has broken off and slid to its present position.
Google maps: 54°39’44.62″S 36°11’42.47″W
Secret Base?
To me, the image above looks like a glitch. Possibly from trying to combine a number of satellite or aerial photos to form a composite image. Auto-stitching them together using various software can create this effect. If there are no photos of an area you may get this effect as the software fills in the gap. Measurements put it at 14 miles long (22.5 km) and 4 miles (6.4km wide). Some people believe its a secret (well, not so secret) base.
GOOGLE EARTH . 70°10’39.6″S 87°49’29.0″E
Buried Alien ship?
Is this a buried base suddenly exposed or a spacecraft suddenly visible? More likely just the melting and refreezing of ice forming pressure lines or cracks. I’ll leave it for you to decide.
GOOGLE MAPS 66°17’10.13″S 100°29’8.27″E
An Antarctic Pyramid?
Then of course there are the mysterious pyramids in Antarctica, which do, in fact, look like pyramids. However, pyramid shaped mountains are fairly common. A pyramid shaped mountain was observed in Antarctica way back in 1910-13 by the British Antarctic Expedition. No-one made a fuss about it, except to call it ‘The Pyramid’. They didn’t immediately expect it to be connected to Egypt or the Mayan civilization. Neither did they think it was the remnant of a long lost, advanced civilisation.
Google Maps 79°58’39.25″S 81°57’32.21″W
Giant stairs?
This discovery in Antarctica was described as a giant’s staircase, the stairs of a buried temple or a pyramid from Atlantis. Or my favourite, the bars of the cage that God put Satan in.
Google Maps 68°54’50.4″S 87°00’40.9″E
I suspect it is melted snow creating crevasses but I dearly love the idea that it is something exotic. After all I was a big fan of Stargate. I watched the entire ten series plus movies and even had my photo taken with Tealc at a Comic-Con in Australia.
Google Earth anomalies are common but that doesn’t mean I accept the first explanation that someone pulls out of thin air. Yes, it’s interesting and yes it should be investigated but areas of Antarctica are difficult to access due to distance and conditions. Something like this would not be a priority for the scientists who go there. More’s the pity.
If you want to go further down the rabbit hole you could have a look at Secureteam 10’s video. They have all manner of strange and bizarre happenings on there. They are pretty well made even if the conclusions are unlikely.
Visit the Secureteam10 site here or you can visit the Antarctic Anomaly site on Reddit here. I am not associated with either of them.
Maybe one day I will have the opportunity to check out these anomalies on the ground in Antarctica, but if not me, then maybe YOU!!