You don’t have to leave important Antarctic research solely up to governments and universities. It is possible for you to contribute to this important work to protect Antarctica and our planet.
The Antarctic Science Foundation in partnership with the Australian Antarctic Division supports research that helps us deepen our knowledge of the extraordinary Antarctic environment, and as an individual or business you actually have the potential to fund important research in Antarctica through the foundation. What an opportunity!!

Antarctic Science Foundation | New partnership opportunities for Antarctic science enthusiasts
The world is waking up to the vital role of polar research in helping us anticipate and adapt to climate change. National governments spend the vast majority of their Antarctic budgets on operations and logistics to keep research stations open and people safe in this wild and isolated place, leaving limited funds for scientific research.
The Antarctic Science Foundation is a registered environmental charity which provides an opportunity for individuals and businesses to contribute to the protection of the planet through making tax deductible donations to Antarctic scientific research.
Working with the best Antarctic scientists in the world, the Antarctic Science Foundation builds and funds partnerships to provide accurate predictions about climate change and its impact, threats to vulnerable species and the health of the vast Southern Ocean.
The icy continent and its inhabitants are feeling the effects of climate change even faster than the rest of the world. Penguins and flying seabirds are vulnerable because of the many changes to their environment which impact on their diet and foraging and breeding behaviour.

Scientists working with the Foundation are getting to the bottom of this penguin problem by analysing fresh poo samples from Antarctica’s extreme penguin habitats. Penguin poo is not taboo! Tiny DNA clues and microplastic analysis tell the story of what penguins and other birds have been eating and how human impacts and climate change are affecting the complex food web.
These scientists have also invented unique satellite and video tags and automated cameras. These collect new and astonishing information about the secret life of penguins with minimal disturbance to these amazing birds!
Donations to the Antarctica Science Foundation can support analysis of poo samples or the purchase of trackers and cameras.
What difference will your gift make?
$50 provides DNA diet analysis per penguin sample.
$270 can test an entire penguin family for microplastics.
$2500 can fund a penguin satellite tracker.
$6,000 builds one new penguin monitoring camera.
You can help build understanding about how penguins are adapting to change and what we can do to ensure their survival. Let us harness the power of poo and deploy more innovative technology in Antarctica to understand and protect these vulnerable birds.
Visit the Antarctic Science Foundation website to read about more about exciting science projects and make a donation today: